We are a skilled team of video experts offering comprehensive services for creating, producing, and editing videos in 4K+. 
Our services include show design, scriptwriting, production crews, and post-production. With over 40 years of experience, we have successfully completed projects for various clients, such as United Airlines, Fox Sports, HP, and Halliburton, covering B2B videos, commercials, branding, documentaries, and feature films. Our team has over 100 years of combined experience in video production and has worked on projects of all sizes, from unique productions to series. We have managed video productions regionally, nationally, and internationally in over 40 countries and across 6 continents. South Coast Media Services is your go-to video production company.


Wyatt Cagle

CEO / Director

Wyatt Cagle currently serves as CEO of South Coast Media Services with long-time collaborators Michael Bell and Bill Brauer after acquiring the business in 2019. As CEO, Wyatt helps drive South Coast forward to blend technology and creativity in all aspects of video production. Onset, Wyatt fills the role of Director and Cinematographer (Director of Photography) for many of South Coast’s productions, ensuring the vision and needs of South Coast’s clients are met.

Starting in the film and TV production business in 1999, Wyatt Cagle has traveled the world developing his craft, contacts, and business models for the evolving video production market. From his beginnings as a camera operator on Travel Channel Europe's series "Underground," Wyatt has transitioned into the realm of large-scale commercial production and feature film production with companies like POV, Inc. of Houston, and Somnio Solutions out of Austin.

An award-winning editor, cinematographer, and director, Wyatt has successfully completed numerous independent film projects, television series, and advertising campaigns. His ventures include the development of Team Baby Entertainment (TBE), contributions to the PBS show Profiles with Greg Scheinman, and the establishment of his own production company, CGL Studios. Notably, his historical film, “The Example,” is currently available on Amazon Prime Video.

“Many video production companies don’t stand the test of time, but South Coast has. South Coast stood through the decades because it had integrity. I joined the team because I felt it was important to keep that legacy alive. Houston’s film and video production community need to have a local company that does things the right way. That leads as an example of how to do video right. Doing right by our clients, our crews, and our community. That’s South Coast and I’m honored to be the steward of that.”

“I grew up with a camera in my hand and was always making little movies. Showing them to my Boy Scout Troop for fun. I realized from a young age that video is the most powerful tool to get an idea across. Video can do so much. It can entertain and educate. It can move someone to action or tears. That’s powerful and I love it. I’ve never wanted to do anything else but make great videos.”

Michael Bell

COO / Production Manager

Michael Bell has been active in Houston’s video production community for over 20 years. As a Camera Technician for Panavision he received his training and education between New York and Los Angeles working alongside leaders within the video engineering industry. Further developing his skills as a freelance Camera Assistant, Camera Operator, and Producer, Michael joined South Coast in 2014 as the Production Manager, serving clients such as the City of Houston, Southwest Airlines, HP, Dr Pepper and more.In 2019, Michael took an ownership stake in South Coast. “It’s exciting and an honor to get to spend each day finding new ways to carry the company’s legacy forward.” He believes that customer service and kindness are as important as technical knowledge when it comes to doing the job right, and he hopes you’ll give him a call if you need anything. 

“South Coast provided me the unique opportunity to adopt a holistic approach to video production and apply my knowledge and imagination to each stage of our projects.”  

Bill Brauer

President / Producer / Writer

Bill is one of South Coast’s producers, our senior writer and project developer. Bill’s talent and experience includes video productions of all types, such as corporate videos, broadcast commercials, documentaries and safety videos. In his 30+ years of working in the video production industry, Bill has become an expert at helping our clients think of video in strategic terms and aligning video projects with overall, long-term business goals.

Beginning as a video producer for Chevron Corporation, Bill has always been an advocate for the use of media as a key component of an organization’s image and culture, to creatively convey their knowledge and help change behavior.

Bill is always thinking of the intended audience. To understand that audience, Bill collaborates with clients to determine who the message is aimed at, their level of understanding and what makes them tick. He has extensive experience working with large organizations and has helmed productions in over 35 countries on six continents. With degrees in both journalism and fine arts, Bill can take a project from beginning to end, write the script, draw the storyboards, deliver a successful project, and tell a great story along the way. For Bill, this is not a job. It’s a calling.

“Never has it been more important to do what we do and do it well. To present knowledge to an audience in a creative, and effective, way.”

Fatimah DuCros

Studio Producer / Office Manager

Fatimah DuCros has been a part of South Coast Film and Video since 2014, and her mission has always been to deliver outstanding customer service. Using her previous experience in the Houston catering scene, especially the popular Breakfast Klub, Fatimah knows how to interact with people. She knows how to make sure our clients feel special and happy about choosing to work with South Coast for their production needs. Never idle, Fatimah also founded a community relations project called Gardenunity, where art, gardening and community come together.

Marco DuBose

Senior Editor

Being an editor for “more years than I care to admit” Marco's seen a lot on his screens. Car commercials? Done 'em. Training videos? Everything from air conditioners to oil field pipes. PBS documentaries and international videos in every language. Marketing videos? Let's just say he's learned a little about a lot – just enough to be dangerous! Marco has embraced new technologies as they've come along but has always felt his primary skill is as a storyteller. “Collaboration is the basis of all we do. We do better work together.”

Kevin Vinther

 Editor / Drone Pilot

From the moment he discovered he could actually study video production in college, Kevin was attracted to the power of editing in crafting a story. Active in computers since 1980, Kevin developed a passion for integrating the mechanical precision of technology with the humanity of communicating a vision. Having honed his editorial skills over the last thirty years, Kevin is quick and creative. But equally important, clients appreciate the laid-back and fresh approach Kevin brings to each project.